Pro-Ven construction

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Pro-Ven construction

I recently revamped a website for a construction company, tackling a challenging project that required starting nearly from scratch. The original site had numerous issues, including inconsistent fonts, poorly edited images, and unpolished design elements. These problems needed extensive re-editing to ensure a cohesive and professional look. Additionally, the client had previously paid a significant amount to another design company, yet the website was not optimized effectively. After implementing these critical changes, the website’s performance improved, and it began ranking on Google, meeting the client’s expectations and enhancing their online presence.

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The Challenge

The biggest challenge was gathering and refining all the necessary content. Many of the images provided were low quality and required editing to meet the website's standards. Additionally, I had to rewrite the entire page content, incorporating keywords and proper structure to improve the site’s SEO and help it rank higher on Google.

The Solution

While working with Pro-Ven Construction, I completely revamped their website to address significant design issues, such as white text on a white background, which made content unreadable. I researched effective color schemes to ensure the website was both visually appealing and aligned with the company's established personality, reflecting its years of operation. My goal was to create a user-friendly and professional site that captured the essence of the brand.
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